January 8, 2015

Start the New Year by Putting Your Right Paw Forward!

Ribbon cutting at the 2014 walk 
It’s never too early to start getting ready for the
2015 Science Diet® Wiggle Waggle Walkathon and Run for the Animals.You can stay ahead of the pack by following some of
these tips and tricks to so you and your pooch can be in tip top shape on
Sept. 13, 2015, at Queen Julianna Park: 
  • Were you on a team in previous years or
    are you thinking you’d like to be on a team for 2015? Start to gather your pack mates and stay
    connected to them through social media or group emails.
  • Think about your goals. Set an ambitious fundraising goal to
    challenge yourself and your pack mates to raise even more money for the
  • Start spreading the word and building
    anticipation. Share photos and stories
    from last year’s event with your family, friends and colleagues.
  •  Consider starting a community event to
    kick-start or boost your fundraising efforts.
  • Does your dog walk on a leash like a
    pro? If not, the OHS can help you get
    your pooch prepared for the walk by registering for an upcoming Loose-LeashWalking Workshop.
Canine walk participants at Queen Julianna Park 

You’re on your way to starting your successful
fundraising campaign to help Ottawa’s animals. Stay tuned for updates in the coming months! 

For more information on the 2015 Science Diet®
Wiggle Waggle Walkathon and Run for the Animals contact events@ottawahumane.ca.
Walkers on the course 
And remember, your commitment has a significant
impact on the lives of the animals we save.
Outreach & Development