September 20, 2018

The Best Allies

The OHS annual meeting was this week. The latter part of the evening is devoted to the usual activities: members vote in a board slate, bylaws are revised, financial statements scrutinized. The Chair of the Board updates the membership on the work of the Board, and I update them on the work of the OHS over the past year.

The first half of the meeting though, is dedicated to honouring people outside of the OHS for their contribution to animal welfare and those inside the OHS for excellence in their volunteer or paid jobs here.

For me, this is the best part of the evening. It reminds me that there are some very special people working here at the OHS, and some exceptional people out in the community working for the same goals. It is reassuring. Many days feel like we are fighting an uphill battle in animal welfare. But if you are fighting a battle, you want to have the best allies.  And last night reminded me that we have the best allies.

Bruce Roney

President and CEO